P.O.Box 15, Entebbe

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live your shopping experience in style everyday.

The best choice for styling with confidence all day long TM

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Wardropie is an e-commerce website mainly fashioned with the latest fashion all around the Globe, with an aim of satisfying its clients with the utmost best fashion sales with immediate deliveries upon purchase on the platform.

Apart from just selling to you our products from our store, we also offer other services for free from the platform and these include, deliveries and many more ...


Delivery services are provided to our dearly esteemed customers for every purchase made on our store.


Postage services are also provided to our esteemed clintele for every purchase made from our store.


Proper Packaging services are provided to avoid any defects that may happen during delivery.



See what people say about us ...

Stiil not conviced, find out what our esteemed clients who have benefited from the store platform say about the services offered.

I can't believe that the platform offered the right services for my business and it still does. It's well established systems have made my small business to flourish for 7 years now and still counting ...

Steve CEO, GlobalDev.Inc

I have never seen a platform so basic like this one. It has enabled simple establishments of basic e-commerce platforms that has made it to be more loved compared to other e-commerce systems.

Joan CTO, GlobalDev.Inc

Anyone with a serious business who really love to work with wardropie systems as they are straight forward to the point, offering excellent services to carry out businesses online. It's the best.

William CFO, GlobalDev.Inc

Working with the very best in this industry of fashion and design is our passion and achievement to bring quality design to our clients.